Q: What is Homeopathy?
A: Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. It’s a form of healthcare that originated in Europe. It is based on the principal “Similia Similibus Curanter” which means “like cures like”. It was developed in Germany and has been practiced in the United States since the early 19th century.. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances that in larger doses would produce illness or symptoms (an approach called “like cures like”. The term homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and processes so as to prevent or treat illness. According to homeopathy, no two people are treated exactly alike, even if they have similar symptoms. Homeopathy treatment is similar to how a vaccination or immunization works. The immune system becomes stimulated with tiny doses of diluted substances. These diluted substances then help the body build its own defenses.
Q: Are homeopathic remedies safe?
A: Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances which may include minerals, plants or animals. The homeopathic remedy is prepared by diluting the initial substance and then activating it. This process is called potentisation whereby the remedy is diluted with alcohol or water. All Homeopathic remedies in USA are FDA approved and available over the counter without a prescription. They are prepared according to the guidelines written in the US Homeoapathic Pharmacopoeia.
Homeopathic remedies are made from substances diluted thousands of times in water or alcohol. Between each dilution, the liquid is shaken vigorously. For example, a one-to-one-hundred dilution means that one drop of a plant extract is placed in 99 drops of water or alcohol. After lengthy shaking, one drop of the new solution is mixed with another 99 drops of water. This mixture is shaken vigorously, and then one drop is taken from it and added to another 99 drops of liquid, and so on. This process is repeated as many as 30, 50, or more times. The end result can be a solution more dilute than one molecule of salt placed in an ocean. A molecule is the smallest possible amount of any substance. Most homeopathic remedies contain less than one molecule of the original plant or chemical extract.
Q: What are the limitations of Homeopathy?
A: Every science has its scope and limitations so does Homeopathy. Following the exclusion method adopted by Dake in his “Therapeutic methods”, and using a modification of his phrasing, the limitations of Homeopathy may be defined as follows:
1)Homoeopathy relates primarily to no affections of health where the exciting cause of disease is constantly present and operating.
2)It relates primarily to no affections of health which will, of themselves, cease after the removal of exciting cause by physical, chemical or hygienic measures.
3)It relates primarily to no affections occasioned by the injury or destruction of tissues which are incapable of restoration.
- a surgical problem which has progressed far beyond its initial stages might not respond to homoeopathy.
4)It relates primarily to no affections of health where the vital reactive power of the organism to medicine is exhausted, obstructed or prevented.
- some sudden life threatening situations like heart attacks,paralytic strokes,diabetic comas etc. might have to be initially treated with conventional medicine, till the patient is out of danger
5)It relates to no affections of health, the symptomatic likeness of which may not be perceptibly produced in the healthy organism by medical means, nor to affections in which such symptoms are not perceptible.
- Since Homeopathy is based on evaluation of symptoms presented in a case say, if someone is seriously ill and present no symptoms then Homeopathy won’t be able to help much.
Q: Does Homeopathy work?
A: Yes, it does. According to my experience if the remedy chosen is right it is bound to have an effect. But if the remedy which is chosen is not right then there will be no effect whatsoever. Finding the right remedy is the most challenging part for the Homeopath. The other challenge is that the same remedy won’t help everyone with the same symptoms. During a homeopathic evaluation, a practitioner tries to uncover symptoms and idiosyncrasies (including one’s sleep positions, food cravings, hobbies, dreams, and fears) to define one’s personality on all levels–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Based on this detailed understanding, the homeopath then chooses a single remedy that most closely matches one’s physical symptoms and traits.
Q: Can Homeopathy work in conjuntion with conventional medicine?
A: Absolutely . Homeopathy is a complementary system of medicine and as such it can be used as an alternative treatment or where necessary it can work beautifully along side the medicine. There are some drugs, especially those that suppress symptoms (for example cortisone-based creams for eczema; the contraceptive pill; HRT) which can make homeopathic treatment more difficult and slower. It may suppress the symptoms of the case making it more difficult to see a clear picture for finding a remedy. Homeopaths cannot recommend that patients discontinue their medications. Patients must seek their doctors advice in this regard. I repeat, it is vital to always consult your prescribing doctor regarding any changes in medication.
Q: How long will it take to see the result for the homeopathic remedy to take effect?
A: This entirely depends on the vitality of the patient and the chronicity of complaints. A patient who is generally very weak and exhausted with a complaint of many years duration will take longer to heal than a person with a recent complaint and with generally a very high vitality. The remedies are taken in small quantity and over limited periods of time, usually at most a week or two. Then the homeopath will like to evaluate the effects of the remedy before increasing the dosage or perhaps changing the medicine as new symptom pictures arise. There is no such thing as taking homeopathy indefinitely, as there is with conventional medicine treatment. If the homeopathic medicine is not working, then the homeopath may have not chosen the best one for the patient, or the pathology is too far advanced for complete recovery.
Disclaimer:The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition. It is not a replacement for the treatment provided by your healthcare provider.